
5 Simple Tips To Get Healthy Eating Back On Track

We’ve all been there. Overly indulgent weekends, family get-togethers, holidays, or just a long car ride solely relying on gas station snacks to get you through. There will be off days with your nutrition, and that’s normal! There is no need to start a diet or fast when you are ready to start focusing on healthy eating again. This could result in an even bigger binge that could repeat the loop. So what do you do? Read on to find my 5 easiest and simple tricks to get back on track. 

1. Drink more water. I know everyone knows this, but it deserves a firm reminder. Water is so important! Not only does it help flush waste from the body, but it is involved in nearly every metabolic process which happens in the body. Studies have shown that women who drink more water have a higher amount of fat breakdown than those that don’t. The more water you drink, the quicker your body will come back to balance after an off weekend or overly indulgent vacay. 

2. Load up on fruit and veggies. After buying a bunch of fresh vegetables, do you ever find yourself throwing them in the back of the crisper drawer to soon be forgotten about? I’m guilty of it too! It’s all with good intention, but we won’t reach for what we can’t see. Try propping your veggies up against the front of the crisper drawer if you have a clear bin. If you don’t, try moving them somewhere you will see them. Washing, slicing, and pre-snack bagging veggies can also be convenient if you’re rushed and need something quick. With fruit, try putting it in a big beautiful bowl where you can see it. I have mine on the counter in our kitchen, but on the dining table works too if you wanted an unconventional center piece. 

3. Move your body. Even if it’s just walking. Moving your body will help move lymph around and help flush out waste. Your lymph system is a colorless fluid which moves around your body collecting toxins and waste from cells. It doesn’t have a pump system (like your heart does), so it relies on the movement of your body to help it along. The more you move, the faster it can go to work collecting all the trash. Moving your body will also rev up your metabolism, which will help process foods more efficiently. 

4. Get quality sleep. This is the single most important thing you can do in my opinion. When you get a crappy night sleep, you can feel completely out of wack. Sleep deprivation will have you reaching for simple carbs (think crackers, bagels or pizza). While these foods are fine in moderation, eating them all day will throw your healthy eating off track again. Your body sees these foods as the fastest way possible to boost your energy. Since simple carbs are broken down easily and quickly, they will give you a short burst of power and then a sharp dip in blood sugar tricking your body to think it needs more. Try eating a handful of nuts and taking a nap and then reevaluate. 

5. Plan your meals. At least try to plan dinners. Leftovers the next day can make a great lunch! We have a huge blackboard in the kitchen where I’ll write our dinners down for the week. I love how it takes the thinking out of meal planning and prepping! With one or two grocery trips a week, I can get all of the ingredients for the meals. That way it’s harder to justify ordering take out when I know those beautiful fresh ingredients will go to waste. 

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