
How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety During a Pandemic

Well here’s a post I never thought I would be writing. Depending on when you may be reading this, COVID 19 has turned into a global viral wildfire. If you are feeling anything like I am, you are riding waves of emotion. Some moments are fine and you feel almost normal. Others you are overwhelmed with an anxiety so big that it grips your stomach. I compare it grief, and in ways it is exactly that. Grieving our past world. One where we could go on date nights or book a spring break getaway. Heck! Even go out to the grocery store without fear. Connecting to our own unique spirituality is something that is so important right now. Here are some ways to find peace during hard moments.

  1. Meditate.

Many people may have heard that mediation is a magic medicine to relieve stress and anxiety. While it can be viewed that way, meditation is actually beneficial because it brings you to the here and now. When you worry, you are focused on something that may have happened in the past or might happen in the future. Bringing your body and mind to focus on your breath allows you to become fully present, and therefore relaxed. Having a guided meditation has really helped me in staying focused. Two of my favorite free mediation apps are Calm and Insight Timer. I will also link a specific video for this crisis here. In this video Gabby Bernstein guides you through how to clear stress from your body. Jump to minute 4:10 to get right into the mediation.

2. Listen to Binaural Beats.

The way our brains process the wonderful science of sound is through sound waves. Sound waves are measured through cycles of vibration called Hertz (or Hz). If you hear one frequency in one ear (lets say 132 Hz) and a different frequency in the other ear (121 Hz), your brain actually makes it’s own frequency of the difference (hearing 11 hertz). So you will hear THREE different tones at once! This is called Binaural Beats. Listening to binaural beats is said to produce the same effect of mediation, just more quickly. You can practice this at home by using headphones, and searching ‘binaural beats’ on the Insight Timer app. 

3. Move your Body.

We now have hundreds of thousands of home workouts at our fingertips. If home workouts weren’t your thing and going to group classes was more your jam, check to see if your studio may offer a live streaming option. I know many of them are switching over to this during this time. Other at home workouts I absolutely love are Beachbody On Demand, Yoga With Adriene, Amazon Prime Video, Peloton (offering a free 90 day trial!), and Core Power Yoga (streaming). 

4. Light a Candle.

Sitting with a candle helps connect to your own unique spirituality. Think about all of the festivities we use candlelight for. Blowing candles on your birthday, Hanukkah, or holding up a lit lighter during a song at a concert to name a few. These moments feel sacred and allow you to connect with a higher level of your being. Focus on a soft lit candle flame for a few moments to bring a moment of relief and peace. 

5. Practice Gratitude.

Try to practice writing down 3 things that you are grateful for every morning. Here is my favorite journal I use every morning, and it only takes a few moments to fill out. Try and do it before thoughts start creeping into your head, “I didn’t sleep well, I’m tired,” or “why is this happening in the world, it’s not fair.” Starting the first moments of you day with focusing on what you have that you are grateful for, can set your day up on a positive note. This feeling will trickle into other parts of your day, and into the lives of others you are around.

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